Activity to contribute Buddhism at Paleelaiwan Temple, Chonburi Province on July 29, 2014.

  • 29 Jul 2014
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Management committees of TKS Group handed over Temple Signs and 10 of water tanks with new plumbing system to abbot of Paleelaiwan Temple at Bangphra, Sriracha, Chonburi Province on July 29, 2014. The old signs are damaged from long use over the last 40 years. And also leaking water pipes have been causing high bill to pay for each month. With new plumbing installation causes water bill dropped down over 50% right away.


Thai Koon Steel Group and its affiliated companies participated in the year-end and New Year 2025 celebration activities for the elderly in Bang Chak Subdistrict.

Thai Koon Steel Group is pleased to welcome community leaders. Which is a community nearby to the business establishment total 35 people visited the production process.
